DB Wood Team
30th June, 2017
DB News
DB News – June 2017
If you were wandering around Newark last July, you might recall images of crowds gathered, distant jingles from money buckets, and the occasional “C’mon mate, pedal faster!” That was us completing a static bike ride outside Potterdyke House to raise money for charity. We covered 600km in under 12 hours so, on reflection, the grunts and groans may be more memorable than anything else! Nevertheless, thanks to the generous support of the community we managed to raise approaching £1 for each kilometre peddled.
A year has gone by and as always, we are keen to support local community causes. With this in mind, we’re repeating the exercise, with the hope of raising over £1 for every km cycled. We always look to improve! All the money raised will be going to the Children’s Bereavement Centre, a local charity that offers free support to children aged 3 to18 who lose someone close to them; an organisation we are very proud to support. As an added benefit, we will be opening Potterdyke House to those of you who like local history. Since acquiring the building in 2015, we have collected an extensive mix of pictures and documents that date all the way back to the 1800s, so whilst our staff will be outside cycling up a storm, you could be inside enjoying times gone by, with a glass of complimentary fizz…..and donating to charity!
If you would like to join us, it will all be taking place on 18th August 2017 at our offices, Potterdyke House, on Lombard Street. Cycling commences at 7am, while doors will be open to the public from 9am.
If you aren’t able to pop by and show your support in person, but would still like to contribute, we do have a JustGiving page for online donations:
Other news at DB Wood…
Team members have been particularly keen on wearing their smart caps here at DB Wood as of late! Since our last DB News update way back in April, we’ve had several exam passes to celebrate. Sonia Prime, a member of our Technical Solutions team passed her Trust exam while Dominic Harrison continues to power through with his ACCA Chartered Accountancy Qualification, completing 12 of the 15 modules so far. Georgia Ashley, meanwhile passed her Award in Marketing exam, earning a distinction, and is now a third of the way to completing her Certificate in Professional Marketing.
The newest addition to our investment team, Declan Gamble, will be joining us full-time in September following his successful internship last summer. Declan recently graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a First Class Honours in Economics, Finance and Banking and whilst some of the team will argue a First is the new 2.2. no one has much to say about his dissertation which has been so successful it has been put forward for formal publishing in a finance journal!
Finally, it is with mixed emotions but with warm wishes that we announce David Reynolds will be retiring from 30th June. DB Wood welcomed David and his Newark Insurance team following acquisition in 2005. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and, although we comment on behalf of both parties, the move was both successful and progressive. The most important people, of course, remain our clients. David has reiterated that he takes confidence from being able to retire knowing his clients are in safe hands, which was one of his core objectives back in 2005. David can now enjoy a well-earned rest spending time with his family, playing golf, and cheering on his beloved Sheffield Wednesday. Happy retirement David!
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