
23rd May, 2016

DB News

Charity Update

Throughout this year we have been busy completing 40 events for 40 years to raise funds for our nominated charity, Beaumond House.  Our press-up challenge continues and as such, week 21 is now demanding 21 press-ups per day! To date, our team have completed 10,500 press-ups, so if you see some of the team strutting around town with their shoulders back, you know why.

Our next exciting event is on Friday 1st July, where we will be completing a 400 km static bike ride.  All of our team have committed to cycling for a minimum of 1 hour over the course of the day, and we will also have helpful volunteers shaking the bucket. Our bikes will be situated on Martindale Lane, along the left side of our building, so if you wish to contribute in either financial or cheerleading capacity, then please do pop down and see us between 7am and 7pm.  If you would like to pledge your support on-line we have set up a Corporate Fundraising page on JustGiving 

Good luck also goes to Oliver Crampton who will be running his first Marathon in Stockholm next month. Oliver will be raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support, a charity close to his heart, and we wish him all the best!