Ashley Brooks
24th June, 2016
IC Insights
They think it’s all over… It is now!
It’s been a funny old week, after beating Wales, the England football team was in poll position to push on, win their group and secure a place in the weak half of the draw for the closing stages of the European championships. On Monday night however, the team looked opportunity in the face, took a big gamble, changed 5 key players, and duly failed to get the result required to take advantage of a real opportunity in Europe.
Similarly, on Monday, through to Thursday this week, global investment markets (and notably, all the major bookmakers), had all but booked the UK’s seat on the Remain in Europe flight to destination ‘uncertain’. Where did the bookmakers get their certainty from? They were offering £1 back for a £10 bet on remain and £13 back for a £2 bet for an exit… and this was at 10pm last night! Were the bookies listening to the markets or vice versa? Nobody really knows.
And so as the week draws to a close, it’s safe to say it’s been a funny one. The summer solstice has been and gone, and no one even noticed. We have all been too busy trying to work out whether we are best in or best out, and now, whether we agree with the 52% of the population that voted to leave the EU or not, we all know where we stand. We are most certainly out.
So that’s great. Now we know where we are. We remain in the last 16 of the European Championships, and we have backed the Boris and Farage team bus to drive us forward. Who knows where this ride will take us.
Whatever the future brings for the UK, and the England football team, both fill me with excitement for the potential, and fear in that actually, no one really knows what they are doing. Roy Hodgson the England manager does not know his best formation, let alone which players to pick, and our politicians (all of them), can talk a good game of rhetorical rhetoric, but don’t actually know the figures, even if they did understand how the maths work.
Still the Bank of England knows what’s what. They are going to throw another £250 billion into the mix, just to make sure we don’t fall on our sword.
Still, tomorrow never dies, as James Bond would say. He might just find himself stuck at passport control a tad longer than normal in future.
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