IC Insights

Investment Review Quarter 1 2018

Market Review The first two weeks of 2018 saw a continuation of steady growth within investment markets. Although many of these markets were trading near to or at all-time highs, economic data still appeared relatively supportive of further growth. However, history has taught us to be…

The Investment Committee

6th April, 2018

IC Insights

10 Years On…

When we launched our range of five model portfolios on 1st March 2008, we didn’t quite know it yet, but one of the deepest financial crises in modern history was ensuing. At the market open, the FTSE 100 index priced at 5,884 but markets were firmly in panic…

Ashley Brooks

9th March, 2018

IC Insights

Investment Review Quarter 4 2017

Market Review of Quarter Four A strong start, a flat middle and a buoyant finish – the three distinct phases that characterised investment markets in 2017. The main stock markets started the year on the front foot, led by Europe and Emerging Markets. The…

Ashley Brooks

12th January, 2018

IC Insights

Investment Review Quarter 2 2017

Market Review of Quarter Two After a strong start to the year, global stock market momentum faltered through Q2. Without substance, initially the rally continued, however, economically things weren’t looking that good.  We’d had a series of poor data releases both in the UK…

Ashley Brooks

14th July, 2017

IC Insights

IC Quick Response: “Just Turbulence, Not a Crash”

In a response to current market conditions, this note is written with the purpose of reassuring and reaffirming the positioning of your investments. You will no doubt be reading that markets have started the year in a negative fashion, but please rest assured that we have been managing…

Ashley Brooks

21st January, 2016

IC Insights

Investment Review Quarter 4 2015

Market Review of Quarter 4 The final three months of the year saw improved returns within most investment markets, although in summary 2015 was a disappointing year across bond and equity markets generally. In many ways, the year can be characterised as a false start. Fantastic pre-April growth…

Ashley Brooks

12th January, 2016