DB Wood Team
15th May, 2020
DB News
Introducing iSecure, powered by DB Wood…
We can take videos with our phones, talk to friends through our laptops and send documents thousands of miles in seconds. But could you find your house deeds, a tax return from five years ago or even the insurance valuation for your jewellery at a moments notice without having to trawl though stacks of paper for hours on end?
Our home filing systems are woefully behind the times. Papers stuffed in fire-proof boxes, documents in the loft, important letters on top of the wardrobe… I think it is fair to say we’ve all left documents in ‘safe places’ only to struggle to locate them.
Imagine having all your paperwork securely in one place. Imagine an ‘online filing cabinet’ where every paper was in order, deadlock secure, easily searchable, and accessible at the touch of a button…
Welcome to iSecure, powered by DB Wood.
iSecure is an app from DB Wood that is available on your desktop, your tablet and your mobile that acts as an ‘online safe’ of all of your important documents; whether that be your will, your lasting power of attorney, even copies of your identification. This app lets you upload photos of any document you feel is important, effectively ’scanning’ it, into a secure online wallet all in one place.
In this day and age, we appreciate the importance of keeping your information confidential, especially surrounding your personal finances and with this app we are providing a way for you keep this information safe and secure and to leave your mind free to concentrate on other matters. The app can also work as a portal between you and your team here at DB Wood. Any important documentation we have for you that needs to be sent securely can be shared with you instantly, and vice versa. Alternatively any document you want to store but you want to be for your eyes only is no problem at all, you can set the privacy of anything you upload.
We, more than most, also understand how distressing it can be trying to organise personal affairs due to the illness or death of someone close. By having all of your documents and memorabilia in one place and nominating Digital Executors, you can preserve your legacy for generations to come via the speed of a camera lens and a click of a button.
If you would like to register for our new service, please contact our team via email or mobile, or respond to questions@dbwood.co.uk and we will be in touch!
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