Category: DB News

Blog, DB News

The importance of setting goals…

It all started with me sat on an exercise bike in the summer of 2019. As part of my role here, I was in the middle of coordinating our annual DB Wood Static Bike Ride (if you’re a long-standing client of DB Wood you’ll be familiar with the event…

Georgia Ashley

11th June, 2021

DB News

Hands, Face and Office Space…

Maybe a return to life as we (used to) know it… I am sure as a collective we are looking forward to life reverting back to how we remember it. Despite the obvious hardship that has ensued for many, there will be aspects from the COVID…

Ashley Brooks

21st May, 2021

DB News

Planning and Compounding – two key ingredients…

A couple of weeks back, we released a blog on the power of compounding ( Getting a return, on top of a return, on top of a return (you get the picture), over long-time frames, leads to huge benefits that we can’t quite comprehend. Our brains think…

DB Wood Team

30th April, 2021

Blog, DB News

A year on…

‘From time-to-time financial markets get disconnected from reality’. This was the opening line to our Quarter two investment report last year.  We’re now approaching the one-year mark since Boris Johnson announced to the UK that everyone must stay at home, thus kickstarting one of the biggest periods of…

DB Wood Team

19th March, 2021

DB News

January Portfolio Update…

2021 started where 2020 left off; at a fast pace. Lockdowns were extended across the majority of the developed world, vaccines rolled out at unprecedented rates, and markets moved by social media to extents we have never seen before. Starting with the virus, it became clear…

The Investment Committee

5th February, 2021

DB News

Quarter 4 2020 Investment Update

Market Review We approached Q4 with cautious optimism. First the caution; political noise was bound to increase around Brexit and the US election, with neither seeming likely to pass quietly. We were also due to receive some of the most important clinical trial results in history.

The Investment Committee

8th January, 2021

DB News

A Review of 2020…

It is difficult to know where to start this year, however the declaration of have a ‘Happy New Year!’ will have more meaning this year than in many other years, given the context of where we have all been during 2020! Whilst it has been a…

Ashley Brooks

23rd December, 2020

DB News

November Performance Update…

As most of us hoped and felt was likely, November was the month when we received positive vaccine news. In our last performance update we wrote about how quickly the mood music for investment markets could change on the back of this positive step forward. So far in 2020, there…

DB Wood Team

4th December, 2020

DB News

Small margins count… welcome to Dynamic Planning, powered by DBW

Without stating the obvious, it is clear that our main goal as investment managers is to ensure our returns meet our client objectives. In other words, to ensure that they help our clients live the lives they want to live. Sounds a little cheesy, we know, but ultimately…

DB Wood Team

27th November, 2020

DB News

October Performance Update…

After six straight months of positive portfolio returns, October looked to be inevitably more challenging. The political world has seldom faced more pressure in such a short space of time, with Brexit negotiations and US election campaigns seeming like drips in the ocean compared to our wider global…

The Investment Committee

4th November, 2020

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